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Sleep Study in Ahmedabad


Sleep study is required for diagnosing and screening of sleep related disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea is one of most common sleep related disorder .In this patient snores regularly and have constant daytime sleepiness because of upper airway partial or complete obstruction, restricting air flow.

Recent research shows that snoring and sleep apnea are associated with many serious conditions .left untreated ,they are contributing risk factors in high blood pressure, stroke, coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive cardiac failure, sudden death , diabetes, depression ,gastro esophageal reflex disease, sexual dysfunctions etc.

Diagnosing Obstructive sleep apnea is very easy now

We have a easy way to screen and diagnose OSA using the latest technology, A simple questionnaire helps initially assess whether you are at risk of having sleep apnea, Depending upon the answers and risk levels, an overnight test id done using Apnea Link in comfort of your home .Advantage of this technology is you get a natural at-home sleep environment facilitating a normal nights sleep improving accuracy of test.

Apnea Link Generates a summarized report that enables us to establish whether you have OSA and if you have, to determine severity, based on this we can advice you next step., Sleep apnea treatment in Ahmedabad.

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